Patient process for obtaining medical cannabis

The use of medical cannabis has gained significant recognition in recent years as an alternative form of treatment for various medical conditions. Israel is known for its progressive stance on medical cannabis, with a well-established medical cannabis program that allows patients to access cannabis for therapeutic purposes. In this essay, we will explore the patient process for obtaining medical cannabis in Israel, including the legal framework, patient eligibility, application process, and regulations.

Legal Framework for Medical Cannabis in Israel:

The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes in Israel is regulated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and is governed by the Medical Cannabis Unit (MCU). The MCU is responsible for overseeing the medical cannabis program, including licensing and monitoring cannabis growers, manufacturers, and distributors, as well as regulating the use of medical cannabis by patients.

Medical cannabis was first legalized in Israel in the 1990s for patients with cancer, chronic pain, and certain neurological conditions. Over the years, the list of qualifying medical conditions has expanded, and today, patients with various conditions, including cancer, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Crohn's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more, may be eligible for medical cannabis in Israel.

Patient Eligibility for Medical Cannabis in Israel:

To be eligible for medical cannabis in Israel, patients must meet certain criteria. First, patients must have a qualifying medical condition that is listed under the MOH's regulations. The list of qualifying conditions may change over time as new research and evidence emerge regarding the therapeutic uses of cannabis.

Second, patients must have tried other conventional medical treatments for their condition and have failed to achieve satisfactory results or have experienced intolerable side effects. Medical cannabis is typically considered as a last resort after other conventional treatments have been exhausted.

Third, patients must be assessed and approved by a qualified physician who is registered with the MCU as a medical cannabis prescriber. The physician will evaluate the patient's medical history, symptoms, and previous treatments, and determine if medical cannabis is a suitable option for their condition. The physician will then submit an application to the MCU on behalf of the patient.

Application Process for Medical Cannabis in Israel:

The application process for medical cannabis in Israel involves several steps. Once the patient's physician has determined that medical cannabis is a suitable treatment option, they will submit an application to the MCU on behalf of the patient. The application includes relevant medical documentation, such as the patient's medical history, diagnosis, and previous treatments.

The application is then reviewed by the MCU, which assesses the patient's eligibility based on the qualifying medical conditions and the supporting medical documentation. If the application is approved, the patient will receive a license from the MCU that allows them to use medical cannabis for their condition.

Once the patient has been granted a license, they can purchase medical cannabis from a licensed pharmacy or a licensed distributor. In Israel, medical cannabis is available in various forms, including dried flowers, oils, capsules, and more. The type, dosage, and frequency of cannabis use are determined by the patient's physician based on their condition and response to treatment.

Regulations for Medical Cannabis in Israel:

While Israel has a progressive stance on medical cannabis, there are regulations in place to ensure its safe and controlled use. Patients who are authorized to use medical cannabis must follow certain regulations, including:


In conclusion, the patient process for obtaining medical cannabis in Israel involves several steps, including meeting the eligibility criteria, having a qualified physician submit an application to the MCU, and following regulations for safe and controlled use. Israel has a progressive stance on medical cannabis, with a well-regulated program that allows patients with qualifying medical conditions to access cannabis for therapeutic purposes. However, it is important to note that the use of medical cannabis is still regulated and patients must adhere to the guidelines and regulations set by the MOH and the MCU to ensure safe and effective use.

Medical cannabis has shown promising results in alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients with various medical conditions. However, it is essential for patients to work closely with their healthcare providers and follow the established regulations to ensure the safe and responsible use of medical cannabis. Further research and evidence-based guidelines will continue to shape the landscape of medical cannabis in Israel and around the world, providing more patients with access to this alternative form of treatment.